I am working on the set of didactic fresco panels for my fresco workshop at the IDAL Convention which is taking place in Indianapolis on October 8th – 12th.

iLia Fresco preparing didactic fresco panels for IDAL 2013, Brushes by Pierre Finkelstein Rock!
This will be a challenging fast pace class in a demanding professional artist’s environment, I have to create step-by-step visuals of multi-style, layered aged fresco panels that I can take on a plane with me.
Interesting trivia:
I have conducted a seminar on fresco painting at the last year’s IDAL Convention in Reno NV. Pierre Finkelstein, a painter extraordinaire, owner of the Pierre Finkelstein Institute of Decorative Painting, was teaching at the same event. Pierre manufactures extraordinary brushes and he asked me to test his new brushes that he thought would be good for the fresco painting. I took 2 fresco brushes he had with him… and put them in a safe place to make sure they won’t get lost when I in travel back to LA…
You guessed it, I have outsmarted myself and have been looking for them ever since… Serendipitously, when I was setting up to prepare for my class at this years IDAL Convention, brushes magically turned up safe and sound in a box! I am using them now to prepare the panels. Pierre, brushes work excellent! Especially the liner that you see me using.

iLia Fresco preparing didactic fresco panels for IDAL 2013, Brushes by Pierre Finkelstein Rock!
Introduction to Classic Fresco Painting
Students will learn the classic fresco process from start to finish from renowned artist Ilia Anossov. Topics covered include plaster preparation and application, fresco plaster layers and mixture variations, natural pigments and fresco paint preparation, creation of the fresco cartoon, transfer techniques, painting on wet plaster, multi-layer application, aging of the completed fresco. Student will create 1 to 2 16″ x 16″ multi-layer buon fresco. iLia will provide information about taking fresco from it’s ancient origins to a modern interior.
Skill Level: Intermediate
Class Type: 600 Decorative Wall Finishes