MCLA Restores – Galileo, Jupiter, Apollo. Olympic Freeway Mural by John Wehrle!

Jupiter Galileo and Apollo, mural by John Wehrle

Jupiter Galileo and Apollo, Olympic Freeway Mural by John Wehrle

I want to ask your help with a Mural Conservancy cause that appears currently on Kickstarter. This is a campaign to complete the Olympic Freeway Mural restorations that we have been working on for the better part of three years! There is a wonderful 3 minute video that explains it all, and I would like you to, please, watch it and then chip in $5 to help us get to the finish line. Please visit: and donate today!

During these last three years, along with the mural community, we worked closely with the City of Los Angeles to pass the new mural ordinance as well as having restored most of the surviving Olympic Freeway Murals that were created as part of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. Several were destroyed about a decade ago when a portion of the Harbor Freeway underwent major reconstruction.

I really hope that you will join me by contributing to the MCLA Kickstarter campaign. If we don’t raise the total $10,000 currently needed, we don’t receive any of the money. Thanks in advance for your support!